Monday, October 31, 2011

Procurement of Milk -Salem Dairy

          In Salem milk union, 591 AI centres are functioning in cluster manner covering all the DCS for AI activities. Frozen semen is purchased from Nucleus Jersey Stud Farm, TCMPF Ltd., Ooty and BFSS, TCMPF Ltd, Erode for cattle and buffalo respectively at the rate of Rs 10/- per dose. AI facility has been extended at the doorstep of the farmers and thereby the conception rate is improved. We have implemented the Artificial Insemination Monitoring System since 2001 and we have computerized the AI activities. Based on the report generation, the AI performance is monitored to improve the breeding efficiency.
Progeny Testing Scheme in cattle and buffaloes is carried out in 70 DCS to select the proven bulls through Dairy Herd Improvement Programme Action, TCMPF Ltd., Chennai. Calf rally is conducted and the prizes are given to the selected best calves to motivate the farmers to rear their calves with utmost care.
          As a part of Animal health management, 16 nos. of regular Veterinary units and (fortnight route) and Emergency units ( round the clock) are functioning to cater to the needs of the health coverage to all the milch animals of DCS members. Infertility camps at the society level and the breeding problems in the animals are treated. As a preventive measure, the animals are vaccinated against FMD to protect the animals and milk loss.
 We are purchasing 200 metric tones (average) of cattle feed per month from cattle feed plant Erode and supplied to the DCS. To meet out the green fodder requirement of milch animals our milk union is supplying the fodder by way of cultivating the Co3 fodder/slips for distribution to the farmers throughout the year. Apart from union land, farmers land also being used for fodder cultivation and propagation and totally 2700 acres of and has been brought under fodder cultivation. Farmers are educated on Ration Balancing programme to improve the Feed conversion ratio in the animals. For Dry fodder management, urea treatment of paddy straw is carried out to preserve the same during surplus season.
Training centre          Salem union Training Centre is imparting various training programmes to the DCS staff and milk producers of Salem , Erode, Coimbatore and Ooty Unions.
Ø      Artificial Insemination & First Aid TrgØ      Secretary / Milk tester Trg  Ø      Feeds and Fodder TrgØ      Bulk Milk Cooler Trg and all Refresher courses to the DCS staff. For Milk Producers, Dairy Animal Management and orientation programmes are being conducted.
Apart from these, we also cater to the needs of other agencies training on various activities related to Animal husbandry and Dairying on prior intimation. The Training Centre is featured with eminent faculties, modern class rooms, teaching aids, boarding and lodging facilities. For information, Officer In charge, Training centre may be contacted.  Objectives
·         Provide Training for skill / Knowledge upgradation unto uplift their leadership capacity.·         Mobilising women in small viable groups·         Enabling groups to take up  employment  -cum- income generation programmes of their own·         Provide support services
·         The target group members  are identified   from the eligible Self Help Group  interested in Dairy forming in rural areas.
    The members are affliated to form a  Women Dairy Co Operative Society enable them to be earning members through Dairying.
                   In our Union we are implementing the project from 2002 consisting 1750 beneficiaries by organizing 25 WDCS with 70 members each at Salem and Namakkal Districts and collecting 6500 litres per day milk to union.                   In this direction a study made to observe the variations of income is increased from Rs.40 per day to Rs.60 per day through dairying. Clean Milk Production          To improve the quality of milk at farmer level, a special scheme has been introduced during the year 2004. Here the farmers are educated to produce and handle the milk with most hygienic quality by providing them necessary training and infra structure. And the Bulk Milk Coolers are installed at village level to chill the milk immediately after collection to reduce the bacterial load to the maximum level possible.

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