CHENNAI: The Tamil Nadu Cooperative Milk Producers Federation, which sells milk and milk products under the brand name Aavin, has said the retail prices of milk have not been increased and that action would be taken against those found selling at higher rates.
In Chennai, the Federation sells close to 10.45 lakh litres of milk everyday through private retailers, private wholesalers and also directly to cardholders. There are more than 3,000 retailers in the city.
The prices of Aavin milk sachets are lesser than those of private companies, reports that a couple of private retail shops were selling Aavin milk at high rates surfaced, said a press release.
The Federation also warned residents against paying more than the price stamped on milk sachets. According to the release, Aavin's half litre toned milk cost Rs 9 and one litre Rs 18; half-litre standardized milk Rs 11; half-litre full-cream milk Rs 12; half-litre double-toned milk Rs 9; and half-litre milk dispensed through automatic vending machines Rs 10.
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